Ordering your estimate
It’s easy to get hold of your estimate. Find out how to order below.
Upload your plans now
Got your plans to hand? Upload them here using our drag and drop uploader and you can upload them in seconds! Once we’ve received your plans we’ll be in touch.
It’s as easy as 1,2,3
- Please upload your plans using the form to the right or email your plans to hello@costmyselfbuild.co.uk so we can confirm the estimating fee and your exact delivery date – we accept PDF/BMP/JPEGS drawings.
- We take payment – by Credit, Debit card or by BACS transfer.
- You’ll then receive an email from us with our Estimate Request form so that we can accurately tailor the estimate to the specific project requirements.
Turnaround: Small jobs 3-4 days, larger jobs max 7-10 days. We’ll confirm before we start.
To find out how to order our other supplementary services check out this page.